Shop Preloved Designer Handbags, Wallets, and Accessories!
Buying preloved designer handbags and accessories has its perks. However, we also understand there are some things that you may want to see closer. We understand our #LCEBABE family want to be able to see everything up close and personal and interact.
It creates a different dynamic and you can ask questions on demand and get information right away, instead of waiting for a reply back via email or instagram. This is why we’ll be working with multiple pop up/craft markets going forward. This will allow us to provide a high vibe in person experience!
We will be bringing preloved designer handbags, wallets, and accessories from your favourite designer brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Prada, Dior, Tiffany & Co. & more. If you don’t see what you are looking for, you may also place a custom order through our website by clicking here. This will also be an opportunity to interact with other local businesses and see what they have to offer.
We plan to have giveaways, special market pricing, and more at these events. To kick off our tour, we will be collaborating with Tessi & Co. They will be hosting this pop up in their beautiful space on Saturday August 19, 2023 from 10:30 am- 6 pm!
Where to Buy Preloved Luxury Handbags?
Tessi & Co. is located in the town of Dundas, Ontario- a short trip from Hamilton, Burlington, or any of the surrounding areas. Their address is 43 Cootes Dr. Dundas, On L9H 1B5.
This market also happens to be during the Dundas Cactus festival! The Cactus festival is a long standing event that has been happening for over 40 years! To be exact, its their 48th annual event! There will be face painting, live music, vendors, and much more.
This event is family friendly and typically sees a large crowd. So if you are in the area for the Dundas Cactus festival, stop by and check out the Tessi & Co. pop up as well. It is about 5 minutes walking distance from the Cactus festival.
Check out the maps below:
Tessi & Co. location
Tessi & Co. proximity to Dundas Cactus festival
** Please note: one end of the Dundas Cactus festival ends at the intersection of York Road and Highway 8 (King St. W)
Tessi & Co. has parking on site and there is plenty of street parking available around the area.
Stay connected to our blog and social media accounts @lacollectionelegance. We are currently on instagram, tik tok, and facebook- so follow to know where we will be popping up next! If you have any questions or concerns, please fill in our contact form on the site. We hope to see you there!